Las serie 24 horas y su final…o no

Serie de televisión 24 horas

Hay algunas series de televisión que parecen acabar tras algún fatídico suceso que acontece al protagonista…pero finalmente y tras un giro inesperado por parte de los guionistas la serie continúa.

Uno de estos casos es 24 la serie protagonizada por Kiefer Sutherland y que lleva ya unas cuantas temporadas en nuestras pantallas.

La serie cuenta con Evan Katz y Manny Coto como showrunners, término con el que se conoce a los guionistas creadores de la serie y que además se convierten en productores de la misma, y ellos son los responsables de que, al menos por el momento, la serie finalice esta temporada…aunque no descartan un regreso tal y como comentan en The Hollywood Reporter:

«24: Live Another Day managed to unleash a finale even bleaker for Jack Bauer than his 24 series finale sendoff four years ago.

Jack (Kiefer Sutherland) is in custody of the Russians, Audrey (Kim Raver) is dead and poor President Heller (William Devane) doesn’t have long before Alzheimer’s leaves him unable to even remember Audrey. But is there still time to turn it around and get Jack out of Moscow?

Showrunners Evan Katz and Manny Coto say more 24 is definitely a possibility.

«All it really takes is a story that fires us up. That’s what got us excited about doing this season,» Coto told The Hollywood Reporter during a call with reporters. «I think what would draw us back if that were ever to happen – and that’s definitely up in the air – would be we or somebody presents an interesting take on Jack, on Jack’s character, and where he is, which would suggest a great season.»

While Audrey’s death was painful for Jack, it was even worse for President Heller, whose only small comfort is that he will forget that pain. Coto said he drew inspiration for Heller’s grief from his own parents, who lost a child.

«Having seen how my parents reacted to such a tragedy, there really is almost no tragedy worse than to lose one of your children,» Coto said.

Coto considers Heller’s Alzheimer’s an extra layer to his loss.

«It’s a very dark place. It’s a thought that’s tinged with an even greater layer of tragedy, not only the fact that he’s going to forget his daughter, but he’s also going to forget the fact that she died in this horrible way. It felt like an honorable way to touch upon his situation this season,» Coto said. «Devane played it beautifully. It was one of his best moments in the season. We were very happy with the way it came out.»

The finale also marked the first time the show made a time jump, going ahead 12 hours for the final scenes of the episode…»

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