Septima Ars

Septima Ars

Escuela de Cine y TV de Madrid

Se hacen tantas películas que el NYT ya no asegura reseñas de todas

New York Times

El crecimiento de la industria audiovisual, año tras año, es un hecho. Hasta tal punto que el New York times ha anunciado que no puede cubrir todas las películas que se estrenan cada semana por lo que no asegura que se publiquen reseñas de las mismas en sus medios.

Este crecimiento es constante en todos los países, aunque en algunos más que en otros, debido al auge de la industria del entretenimiento para la cual formamos profesionales en la escuela desde hace casi 25 años.

Extraemos parte del artículo de Variety donde se hacen eco de la noticia:

«The New York Times has changed its film review policies, and the paper is now telling film publicists that it can no longer guarantee its critics will weigh in on every film that screens in the city.

“Because of the increasing volume of new films released each year, the Times is no longer able to guarantee reviews of all New York theatrical releases,” A.O. Scott, the Times’ chief film critic, wrote in an email obtained by Variety.

Scott added that the paper would continue to review as many new films as it could, but noted decisions would be made on a “case by case basis.”

Reached by phone, Scott said that the policy was instituted earlier this year and that the paper did not reach a decision this week, as Variety initially reported.

The Times will almost certainly continue to critique major films, prominent specialty titles and Oscar contenders, but the paper’s decision is bad news for some smaller arthouse distributors and VOD companies who rely on a review in the paper of record to raise a film’s profile…»

Leer el artículo entero New York Times Changes Film Review Policy, Can’t Guarantee Coverage

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