Septima Ars

Septima Ars

Escuela de Cine y TV de Madrid

Qué es guión , qué es montaje

Michael Kahn

Una de las artes más difíciles de valorar, hasta el punto que algunos la consideran invisible, es la del montaje.

Muchas veces no queda claro qué es guión y qué es 2020montaje. Los cinco nominados de este año a los premios Oscar intentan aclarar esta cuestión en el siguiente e interesante artículo.

«Of all the collaborative filmmaking crafts, editing is perhaps the hardest creative art to judge, yet among the most critical in terms of shaping the story. Although during the course of the production the editor usually puts the initial edit together, sometimes with little input from the director, once production is complete the polishing of the film is normally done in close partnership with the director, blurring the line between the editor’s contribution and the director’s vision.

So how should the craft of editing be judged? What criteria would an Oscar-winning editor, such as Michael Kahn – who has worked with directorSteven Spielberg for over 37 years and most recently edited the Oscar-nominated Lincoln– use to judge whether an edit is award-worthy?…»

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